Body Image-Mr B

Mr B image.jpg

How do you identify your gender?


What kind of relationship do you have with your body?

Pretty poor

What comes to mind when you hear the words “Body image”?

The attitude you have towards how you look

Have you always been accepting of your body?

Totally not no

Has your body ever been criticised by someone else?

More times than I could recall

Have your mental health issues and your body ever been intertwined at any point?

Definitely, poor self-image has affected my self-esteem massively

Would you change anything about your body? If so, what? And why?

I’d change pretty much everything

MR B 2nd

What is the toughest thing your body has experienced?

Probably surgery

What is your favourite part of your body?

Don’t have a favourite part

What are you most proud of about your body?


Do you have a message for anyone who does not like their body?

I empathise

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